Is It African Genetics Or African Culture?

Raiscara Avalon
4 min readApr 27, 2021

The similarities between two very different countries are striking.

Photo by Hu Chen on Unsplash

I noticed something curious, and I may be the last human on Earth to notice it, or I may be the first. It seems that Africans act the same in both Africa and America — even with the latter group having zero concept of Africa, being as American as apple pie and all that. I mean no disrespect to either group with this observation, it is merely that, an observation, and I’m genuinely curious as to the why. For the purpose of this article, Africans will refer to those in Africa, and Blacks will refer to Americans of African descent.

Control Group — Africans

Over in Africa, there is a lot of violence, poverty, illness and what have you. I don’t have all the facts, and I don’t exactly want them — this isn’t a specific observation, more of a general one.

Those that have wealth often conscript those that don’t, forcing them to invoke violence on both their neighbors and people they don’t know. These roving gangs are often made up of children to young adults…those who should still be protected at home, or just starting their lives as adults.

Due to biology, illness often hits this group harder, especially when they also live in poverty. Not all the biological reasons are known, of course, but knowledge is…



Raiscara Avalon

Not a resume. That’s Linkedin. Lifelong learner. Feedback always welcome. Join me on my journey — can also be found at